Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Kerry Fallout in Boston

I was checking out something on the Mayor's 24 Hour Constituent Service page today, and noticed that if you go to the drop down menu labeled "Code" and scroll down you'll see the option to choose "Kerry Fallout," among other options like "Abandoned Cars" and "Code Enforcement."

Umm.. maybe I'm a relative newbie to Boston (I've been here about a year), but can someone please explain what "Kerry Fallout" is, and why is it on the Constituent Service page?


Jack Bennett said...

something to do with John Kerry inadvertently insulting soldiers in Iraq? I have no idea what relevance this has to municipal politics, of course.

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a hacker got in there!

Anonymous said...

Amusingly enough, I googled for it and you came out the top hit....

Lyss said...

I feel very popular